Sunday, July 12, 2009

Hoons Hooning And Tiananmen Square

It was 20years ago today Sgt Pepper taught the band to play. Well not really, but it is 20years since the Tiananmen Square Massacre. And here in SA we are beginning to see the signs of communism through moves that while not as drastic as that in China on 4/Jun/1989 nevertheless are aimed at eroding peoples freedoms and rights!

Hooning has recently become a rather major problem in South Australia, Burnouts-Drag Racing- Speeding-Road Rage, are just some of the things these young and sometimes the not so young are engaging in, with deaths and serious injury being the outcome all too often. So you may ask yourself; what exactly does this foolish behaviour and the China incident have in common? On the surface the two do appear to have no links whatsoever! One was a student protest, the other just being plain stupid, but it isn't the event that is linked it's how it's planned to be dealt with. Rather than looking at the cause, our government is looking to the symptoms and ways to drasticly to eradicate them. I want to make it perfectly clear that I do not support hooning, nor the idiots that are engaging in this behaviour, but I also do not believe taking their cars away and crushing them is the answer either. These are by majority young males, and regardless of the fact that it's stupid behaviour, it's something that young men have engaged in since the 1950's, and for some reason their belief that it will likewise impress young females. That idea is also debatable as there are females that are into this kind of thing, but the majority from my experience just think the guys are behaving immaturely.

So we have a government that rather than educating young drivers or limiting young drivers to cars with power to weight ratios that do not encourage this kind of behaviour, they want to confiscate (Legally Steal, because that is what this means!) offenders cars and crush them, or sell them to more young hoons, then the process can be completed all over again! If there is a debt on that car by means of finance the owner/driver will still responsible for paying that debt regardless. That is unless the owner is a bank or finance company which is usually the way most loan contracts are drawn up, until such time as the borrower has paid the debt in full.
Ask yourself reader, what will this accomplish? It will make those who's cars have been seized/confiscated bitter and angry with police, government and the community in general, I know it would me! Young men are already rebellious against authority and all the hooning is likely a result of the actions or rather inactions of governments to address the real underlying problem! High unemployment, parents, more laws, and lack of entertainment outlets are all mounting pressure upon the young, the very same young that were taught by the do-gooders in the Education Dept, that they had rights and no one can tell them what to do, what they apparently failed to do was to teach them that with those rights also came responsiblity!

A few decades ago there were plenty of places for young people to attend, video machines were all the rage, and those feeling a bit raged could take their frustrations out on Monsters or Martians. Gone are the arcade days, in fact gone are the arcades full stop, torn down to make way for the rich tourist dollar, without any consideration to the needs of the States young people!
For centuries governments have relied upon this (careless attitude) of young men to fight wars for them, just look at Bush's Iraq war! All young men doing the fighting, and in the interviews many have displayed a lack of concern for their own well being, seriously believing it's the other guy who'll be killed not them, sound familiar? I won't get caught, I won't be killed, I know what I'm doing!

But rather than deal positively with that which is by nature, human or otherwise quite normal behaviour for young males, South Australia's government seeks to punish them. Those very same members of the community who in times of war it calls upon, unspoken are the words that it counts upon that very recklessness, and mounts massive propaganda campaigns to recruit those foolish enough to be die for their country. As General Pattern said "No hero ever died for his country, he made the other poor bastard die"!

I find it despicable that this form of draconian theft is the only solution that all the so-called intelligent minds governing us can muster.

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